Spar 50 %. Bemærk: Ægløsningstests udløber 21/11 2024. Graviditetstests udløber 15/12 2024.
Indeholder 50 stk. Femometer ægløsningstest Strimmel og 20 stk. Femometer Graviditetstest Strimmel. Mere end 99 % sikker
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Information om Femometer Ovulation Test Strip. 50 pcs. + Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip. 20 pcs.
Spar 15 % ved køb af dette sæt.
Pakketilbud til dig, der gerne vil være gravid.
Sættet indeholder:
● 50 stk. Femometer ægløsningstest Strimmel
● 20 stk. Femometer Graviditetstest Strimmel
Bestseller i USA, England og flere EU-lande
Femometers Ægløsningstest Strimmel er mere end 99 % sikker og har en følsomhed på 25mIU/mL
Testen måler tilstedeværelsen af det ægløsende hormon LH (lutein hormon), der stiger markant lige før din ægløsning.
Femometers Ægløsningstest Strimmel er nem og hygiejnisk at bruge, og når testen bliver positiv, betyder det, at ægløsningen vil finde sted indenfor de næste 24-36 timer.
Du er mest frugtbar den dag, hvor ægløsningstesten bliver positiv samt dagen efter. Det er derfor nu chancen er størst for at blive gravid, hvis du har samleje samme dag, som testen er positiv samt dagen efter.
Femometer har også udviklet en app, som kan aflæse din Femometer Ægløsningstest og vurdere, om den er positiv eller negativ, hvis du gerne vil være helt sikker. Denne del af appen kræver dog, at du er betalende abonnent på appen, men der er en gratis prøveperiode, som du kan starte med.
Få et sikkert og hurtigt svar på, om du er gravid.
Femometers Graviditetstest Strimmel er mere end 99 % sikker og giver dig et sikkert resultat allerede efter 3-5 minutter.
Graviditetstesten er let af aflæse, da testen er ekstra bred, så den er hygiejnisk at bruge, og du undgår usikkerhed om resultatet.
Sensitiviteten er 25 mIU/ml hCG graviditetshormonet. Hormonet dannes af det befrugtede æg, når det har gennemført de første celledelinger og har sat sig fast på livmoderen.
Femometers Graviditetstest kan blive positiv fra 6-14 dage efter befrugtning.
Fordele ved Femometer Ovulation Test Strip. 50 pcs. + Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip. 20 pcs.
Femometer Ovulation Test Strip
Over 99% accuracy. Get a reliable answer on when you are most fertile and have the highest chance of getting pregnant.
Easy to read. The strip has a width of 3.5 mm and provides clear and reliable test results with high precision.
Result in 5 minutes.
User manual in English, German, Danish, and Norwegian.
Femometer has developed an app that can store all your test results. The app can also evaluate whether your tests are positive or negative, and it can track your ovulation calendar and cycle.
Benefits of Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip
Femometer's pregnancy test is over 99% accurate.
Femometer specializes in femtech – products and technology targeted towards women's needs. Femometer has also developed an app that can store all your test strip results. The app can evaluate whether your pregnancy test is positive or negative, and it can track your ovulation calendar and cycle.
Easy to read. Wide strip that provides clear and reliable test results with high precision.
Clear and definite result that tells you within 5 minutes whether you are pregnant.
If you are unsure about the result or would like it confirmed, Femometer's app can tell you if the test is positive or negative.
User manual in English, German, Danish, and Norwegian.
Sådan bruger du Femometer Ovulation Test Strip. 50 pcs. + Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip. 20 pcs.
Femometer Ovulation Test Strip
Read the instructions carefully.
We recommend taking the test between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. During this period, the level of the LH hormone is at its highest.
Some women experience a rapid surge of their ovulation hormone (LH surge). Therefore, if more than 24 hours pass between tests, it's possible to miss the ovulation on the ovulation test. For safety, we recommend testing in the morning and evening as you approach your expected ovulation.
Remove the test from the sealed pouch.
Hold it under the urine stream or dip it into a urine sample for 5-10 seconds. Do not exceed the maximum line.
Place the ovulation test on a flat surface with the test window facing up.
Wait for 5 minutes.
Read a clear and definite result indicating whether you have ovulation. If the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line, the ovulation test is positive. A positive ovulation test means you will ovulate within the next 24-36 hours, and it is recommended to have intercourse during the next few days if you desire pregnancy.
If the test line does not appear or is less distinct than the control line, the test is negative. Test again later today or tomorrow.
How to use Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip 10 pcs.
You can choose to urinate in a clean container and dip the test in it, or you can choose to urinate directly on the pregnancy test if you prefer.
After 5 minutes, the test will provide you with an answer as to whether your hCG levels are elevated, indicating pregnancy.
The test is positive if two lines appear, even if the test line is weaker than the control line.
If you wish to test before your expected period, it is recommended to use morning urine as it is more concentrated. However, be aware that hCG levels can rise at different rates. You can choose to purchase a pack with multiple tests if you want to continue testing in the days leading up to your expected period.
Read the instructions carefully.
Remove the test from the sealed pouch. Hold it under the urine stream or dip it into a urine sample for at least 5 seconds.
Place the pregnancy test on a flat surface with the test window facing up.
Wait for 5 minutes.
Read a clear and definite result indicating whether you are pregnant.
Two lines mean you are pregnant. One line means the test is negative.
Her finder du vores FAQ om Femometer Ovulation Test Strip. 50 pcs. + Femometer Pregnancy Test Strip. 20 pcs.
Købte ægløsningstests og graviditetstest. God kvalitet, nemme at aflæse og til den bedste pris, jeg kunne finde.
Super hurtig levering, og de havde tilmed lagt en tidlig graviditetstest med i pakken.
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