AminoJern is an easily absorbable and gentle vegan iron supplement that is especially recommended for pregnant women. It has been tested in a Danish trial on pregnant women at Næstved Hospital's Pregnancy Department. The study showed that AminoJern is particularly suitable for pregnant women because it is absorbed well and gently in the body, so that only a daily dose of 25 mg is necessary to prevent iron deficiency in pregnant women. The lower dose results in fewer stomach upsets, which can otherwise affect many pregnant women.
Effective and gentle effect
AminoJern consists of an amino acid chelate, where two amino acids are bound to an iron atom, and thereby the iron is carried through the stomach like a blind passenger. The amino acid chelate remains intact on its way through the gastrointestinal system and into the body. Amino acids are already used to a large extent by the body and are therefore particularly well absorbed. One of the challenges with many iron supplements is that they can inhibit the absorption of other minerals, but because AminoJern is the so-called amino acid chelate, this means that the absorption of other nutrients, such as zinc, which has an effect on fertility, is affected to a lesser extent than it would be with other iron preparations.
Recommendation of iron supplementation
The National Board of Health recommends that all pregnant women receive a daily iron supplement of 40-50 mg from the 10th week of pregnancy and the rest of the pregnancy. When using AminoJern, however, it is documented that a daily tablet of 25 mg of iron is sufficient to prevent iron deficiency and possible anemia in pregnant women.
Usually, iron supplements are also recommended for breastfeeding women in the first 8 weeks after birth. Others who can particularly benefit from iron supplements are:
Menstruating women of childbearing age
Teenagers - especially girls
Elderly with unilateral diet
Vegetarians and vegans
When is it best to take AminoJern?
The body absorbs your AminoJern best when you take your iron preparation at bedtime or between meals. Please take it with water or fruit juice with citrus fruit. This is because vitamin C promotes the body's absorption of iron. Please avoid consuming it together with milk, cocoa, coffee or tea, as this in turn reduces the absorption of iron.
25 mg of iron in the form of Ferrochel Bisglycinate.
AminoJern contains no traces of blood or animals and does not contain gluten, sugar or lactose.
Ingredients: Bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose)
Iron (Ferrobisglycinate
)Anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide)
Stabilizer (magnesium salts of vegetable fatty acids)
Surface treatment agents (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, rice starch, caclium supphate,
Dyes (iron oxides, riboflavin)
Pharmovital ApS
DK-2860 Søborg
The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of the reach of children.
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Information om AminoJern- Iron supplement specially tested for pregnant women. 90 tablets
Indeholder 100 tabletter. AminoJern. Nok til 100 dage
AminoJern er et nemt optageligt og skånsomt vegansk jerntilskud, der anbefales særligt til gravide. Det er blevet testet i et dansk forsøg på gravide på Næstved Sygehus Svangreafdeling. Studiet viste, at AminoJern er særdeles velegnet til gravide, fordi den optages godt og skånsomt i kroppen, så det kun er nødvendigt med en tabet dagligt på 25 mg for at forebygge jernmangel hos gravide. Den lavere dosis giver færre mavegener, som ellers kan påvirke mange gravide.
Effektiv og skånsom effekt
AminoJern består af et aminosyrechelat, hvor to aminosyrer er bundet til et jernatom, og derved føres jernet gennem mavesækken som en blind passager, Aminosyrechelatet forbliver intakt på sin vej gennem mave-tarmsystemet og ind i kroppen. Aminosyrer bruges allerede i stort omfang af kroppen og optages derfor særligt godt. En af udfordringerne ved mange jerntilskud er, at de kan hæmme optagelsen af andre mineraler, men fordi AminoJern er det såkaldte aminosyrechelat, betyder det, at optagelsen af andre næringsstoffer, som f.eks. zink, der har en effekt på fertiliteten, påvirkes i mindre grad, end den ville ved andre jernpræparater.
Anbefaling af jerntilskud
Sundhedsstyrelsen anbefaler, at alle gravide får et dagligt jerntilskud på 40-50 mg fra 10. graviditetsuge og resten af graviditeten. Ved brug af AminoJern er det dog dokumenteret, at en daglig tablet på 25 mg jern er tilstrækkeligt til at forebygge jernmangel og eventuelt blodmangel hos gravide.
Sædvanligvis anbefales jerntilskud også til ammende i de første 8 uger efter fødslen. Andre der særligt kan have gavn af jerntilskud er:
Kvinder i den fødedygtige alder, der menstruerer
Teenagere - særligt piger
Ældre med ensidig kost
Vegetarer og veganere
Næringsindhold pr. daglig dosis (1 tablet)
Jern (Ferrochel): 25 mg (179% RI)
RI = Dagligt referenceindtag for voksne og børn over 11 år.
Fyldemidler (mikrokrystallinsk cellulse, dicalciumphosphat, tværbunden natriumcarboxymethylcellulose), jern (Ferrobisglycinat) antiklumpningsmiddel (siliciumdioxid), stabilisator (magnesiumsalte af vegetabilske fedtsyrer) Overfladebehandlingsmidler (hydroxypropylethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, risstivelse, cacliumsuphat, farvestoffer (jernoxider, riboflavin))
Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for varieret kost. Opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.
Fordele ved AminoJern- Iron supplement specially tested for pregnant women. 90 tablets
Iron supplement particularly suitable for pregnant women
Easily absorbable, resulting in fewer discomforts for pregnant women
Iron supplementation recommended by the Danish Health Authority for pregnant women
Vegan dietary supplement
Sådan bruger du AminoJern- Iron supplement specially tested for pregnant women. 90 tablets
Pregnant women are recommended to take one tablet daily. AminoJern is best absorbed by the body at bedtime or between meals. It is recommended to take it with water or citrus fruit juice, as vitamin C enhances the body's absorption of iron. It is advisable to avoid consuming it with milk, cocoa, coffee, or tea, as they can reduce the absorption of iron.
Fillers (microcrystalline cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose)
Iron (Ferrous bisglycinate)
Anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide)
Stabilizer (magnesium salts of vegetable fatty acids)
Coating agents (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, rice starch, calcium sulfate, colorants (iron oxides, riboflavin))
The recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children.
Her finder du vores FAQ om AminoJern- Iron supplement specially tested for pregnant women. 90 tablets
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