Please note that the dietary supplement B-Daddy is currently sold out across the country due to a shortage of raw materials. It is not known when it will be back on the shelves. Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 Gold is from the same manufacturer, and if you use this food supplement together with SelenoPrecise, which you can find here, you have one for one the same product as B-Daddy
Bio-Quinone Active Q10 GOLD consists of soft gelatin capsules with Q10 in the form of 100 mg of active ubiquinone dissolved in vegetable oil. The capsules contain 1.4 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and are also light-sealed. The preparation has been the world's most widely used Q10 brand for several decades, which is connected to the fact that it is able to document a high absorbability.
The Q10 raw material is a fat-soluble, crystalline substance that is difficult for the body to absorb, but with the help of a special manufacturing technique developed and patented by Pharma Nord, the Q10 raw material undergoes a special heat treatment that causes the Q10 crystals to dissolve completely at body temperature . It is this complete solution of Q10 and the high quality of the raw material as well as manufacturing according to the GMP protocol that is the reason why Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 GOLD has achieved such good absorbability of the active substance.
Men's sperm quality and Q10
A substance which apparently plays a decisive role in the functionality of sperm cells is the vitamin-related substance, coenzyme Q10.
Several studies have been published with infertile men that have shown that the Q10 treatment led to significant improvements in the number of sperm cells as well as the shape and motility of the sperm cells. The results are supported by the conclusions of other researchers, which indicate that treatment with Q10 can lead to a significant improvement in sperm quality.
Furthermore, the results also show that Q10 can play a positive role in the treatment of reduced motility, i.e. the sperm's ability to move actively and spontaneously to reach the uterus and the woman's egg.
The form of Q10 used in Pharma Nord's B-Daddy and Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 Gold is identical to the form of Q10 that the body produces itself. It is 100% natural and has extremely good absorption, which is documented. Bio-Qinon Q10 is the official reference product for the ICQA (International Coenzyme Q10 Association) and is chosen by doctors and researchers worldwide.
Children and over 11 years and adults. One tablet daily with a meal
1 tablet contains:
Daily dosis | Amount | Unit | RI |
Ubiquinon (coenzym Q10) dispersed in vegetable oil | 100 | mg | - |
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) | 1,4 | mg | 100% |
RI = Daily reference intake for adults and children over 11 years.
- RI not determined.
Soybean oil (partially hardened), Capsule shell (bovine gelatin), Coenzyme Q10, Humectant (glycerol, purified water), Antioxidant (d-a-tocopherol), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Color (iron oxide, riboflavin)
The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of the reach of children.
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Information om Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Activt Q10 Gold 100 mg 90 pcs
Indeholder 90 tabletter. Nok til 3 måneder
Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 GOLD består af bløde gelatinekapsler med Q10 i form af 100 mg aktivt ubiquinon opløst i vegetabilsk olie. Kapslerne indeholder 1,4 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2) og er desuden lysforseglede. Præparatet har igennem flere årtier været verdens mest udbredte Q10-brand, hvilket hænger sammen med, at det er i stand til at dokumentere en høj optagelighed.
Q10-råvaren er et fedtopløseligt, krystallinsk stof, som kroppen har svært ved at optage, men ved hjælp af en særlig fremstillingsteknik udviklet og patenteret af Pharma Nord gennemgår Q10-råvaren en speciel varmebehandling, der medfører, at Q10-krystallerne opløses fuldstændig ved legemstemperatur. Det er denne komplette opløsning af Q10 og råvarens høje kvalitet samt fremstilling efter GMP-protokollen, der er årsag til, at man med Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 GOLD har opnået en så god optagelighed af aktivstoffet.
Mænds sædkvalitet og Q10
Et stof, som tilsyneladende spiller en afgørende rolle for sædcellernes funktionsdygtighed, er det vitamin-beslægtede stof, co-enzym Q10.
Der er offentliggjort flere undersøgelser med infetile mænd, der har viste, at Q10-behandlingen førte til signifikante forbedringer i antallet af sædceller samt sædcellernes form og bevægelighed. Resultaterne bakkes op af andre forskeres konklusioner, der peger på, at behandling med Q10 kan føre til en betydelig forbedring i sædkvaliteten.
Desuden viser resultaterne også, at Q10 kan spille en positiv rolle i behandlingen af reduceret motilitet, altså sædcellernes evne til at bevæge sig aktivt og spontant for at nå frem til livmoderen og kvindens æg.
Den form for Q10, der er anvendt i Pharma Nords B-Daddy og Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Aktivt Q10 Gold, er identisk med den Q10-form, kroppen selv danner. Den er 100% naturlig og har særdeles god optagelighed, hvilket er dokumenteret. Bio-Qinon Q10 er officielt reference-produkt for ICQA (Internationalt Coenzyme Q10 Association)
Næringsindhold pr. daglig dosis (1-2 kapsler)
Ubiquinon (coenzym Q10):
Riboflavin (vitamin B2):
RI = Dagligt referenceindtag for voksne og børn over 11 år.
Sojaolie (delvist hærdet), Kapselskal (oksegelatine), Coenzym Q10, Fugtighedsbevarende middel (glycerol, renset vand), Antioxidant (d-a-tocopherol), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Farvestof (jernoxid, riboflavin)
Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for varieret kost. Opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.
Fordele ved Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Activt Q10 Gold 100 mg 90 pcs
Danish-produced dietary supplement for men
Contains Q10, which contributes to normal sperm production in men
Documented easy absorptio
Sådan bruger du Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Activt Q10 Gold 100 mg 90 pcs
Children over 11 years and adults. One tablet daily with a meal.
Partially hydrogenated soybean oil, Capsule shell (bovine gelatin), Coenzyme Q10, Moisturizing agent (glycerol, purified water), Antioxidant (d-alpha-tocopherol), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Coloring agents (iron oxide, riboflavin)
The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children.
Her finder du vores FAQ om Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Activt Q10 Gold 100 mg 90 pcs
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