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Valmed Ovulation Midstream Test. 10 pcs. + Valmed Pregnancy Midstream Test. 2 pcs. + Valmed Thermometer

Spar 15 % ved køb af dette sæt. Sættet består af 10 Valmed ægløsningstests stav, 2 Valmed graviditetstests stav og et Femometer Vinca Lite Digitalt Termometer. Mere end 99 % sikker.

304,95 DKK 259,95 DKK

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Information om Valmed Ovulation Midstream Test. 10 pcs. + Valmed Pregnancy Midstream Test. 2 pcs. + Valmed Thermometer

Spar 15 % ved køb af dette sæt
Pakketilbud til dig, der gerne vil være gravid.
Sættet indeholder:

• 10 stk. Valmed Ægløsningstest Stav
• 2 stk. Valmed Graviditetstest Stav
• 1 stk. Femometer Vinca Lite Digitalt Termometer.

Valmed Ægløsningstest Stav

Pålidelig test med sikkert resultat efter 5 minutter
Valmeds ægløsningstest stav har en sikkerhed på over 99,8 %. Testen måler tilstedeværelsen af ægløsningshormonet LH (lutein hormon, der stiger markant lige før din ægløsning. Staven gør testen nem og hygiejnisk at bruge

Når testen bliver positiv, betyder det, at ægløsningen vil finde sted indenfor de næste 24-36 timer. Du er mest frugtbar den dag, hvor ægløsningstesten bliver positiv samt dagen efter. Det er derfor nu chancen er størst for at blive gravid, hvis du har samleje samme dag, som testen er positiv samt dagen efter.

Valmed Graviditetstest Stav

Pålidelig test med sikkert resultat allerede efter 3 minutter. Valmed Graviditetstest Strimmel er hygiejnisk og nem at bruge med en præcision på mere end 99,7 %.

Graviditetstesten er let af aflæse, så du undgår usikkerhed om resultatet. Sensitiviteten 25 mIU/ml hCG.

Valmeds graviditetstests er blandt Danmarks mest solgte og højest ratede graviditetstests

Femometer Vinca Lite Digitalt Termometer med bøjelig spids

Din temperatur stiger 0,2-0,5 grader lige før ægløsning og bliver på dette niveau indtil lige før næste menstruation. Ved at måle din temperatur hver morgen, vil Femometer Vinca Lite Digitalt Termometer hjælpe dig med at forstå din cyklus og forudsige, hvornår du får ægløsning og derved er mest fertil.

Termometret med to decimaler er ultra præcist og perfekt til dig, der bruger termometermetoden BBT til at blive gravid eller til at lære din cyklus at kende.

Termometret kan bruges sammen med Femometer appen eller med din foretrukne cyklus-app. Femometer Vinca Lite Digitalt Termometer måler din temperatur så præcist, at du altid kan stole på resultatet. Hvis du måler du din temperatur hver morgen, så vil Femometers app automatisk tegne din ægløsningskurve og forudsige, hvornår du får ægløsning ved hjælp af temperaturmetoden.

Da det er vigtigt, at termometeret måler din temperatur helt præcist, så kan det tage fra 3-5 minutter, før Femometer Digitalt Termometer er færdig med at måle. Du vil høre et roligt bip, når termometret er færdigt med at måle.

Termometret gemmer din seneste temperaturmåling og kan rengøres med vand efter brug. Kan både måle celsius og fahrenheit.

Fordele ved Valmed Ovulation Midstream Test. 10 pcs. + Valmed Pregnancy Midstream Test. 2 pcs. + Valmed Thermometer

Valmed Ovulation Test Strip
Precision of 99.8%.

Valmed has been in the Danish market since 2005.

Valmed Ovulation Test Strip is easy and hygienic to use.

Clear result after 5 minutes.

Easy-to-understand instructions in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Valmed Pregnancy Test Strip
Be confident in your result. Precision of 99.7%.

Valmed has been in the Danish market since 2005.

Hygienic and easy to use.

Bestseller in Denmark.

Clear result after 3 minutes.

Easy-to-understand instructions in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Valmed Digital Thermometer
Valmed Digital Thermometer with a flexible tip helps you conceive and understand your cycle.

The thermometer with two decimal places measures accurately with a precision of 0.1 degree. Therefore, the thermometer is advantageous to use for the basal body temperature method when you want to conceive or learn about your cycle.

Sådan bruger du Valmed Ovulation Midstream Test. 10 pcs. + Valmed Pregnancy Midstream Test. 2 pcs. + Valmed Thermometer

Valmed Ovulation Test Strip
We recommend taking the test between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. During this period, the level of LH hormone is highest.

Some women experience a rapid surge in their ovulation hormone (LH surge) over a short period of time. Therefore, if more than 24 hours pass between tests, you may risk missing the ovulation on the ovulation test. For added security, we recommend testing in the morning and evening as you approach your expected ovulation.

Read the instructions carefully.

Remove the test from the sealed pouch.

Hold it under the urine stream or dip it into a urine sample for 5-10 seconds.

Place the ovulation test strip on a flat surface with the test window facing up.

Wait for 5 minutes.

Read a clear and distinct answer about whether you are ovulating. If the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, the ovulation test is positive. This means you will ovulate within the next 24-36 hours, and it is recommended to have intercourse in the upcoming days to increase the chances of pregnancy. If the test line does not appear or is less distinct than the control line, the test is negative. Test again later today or tomorrow.

Valmed Pregnancy Test Strip
You can choose to urinate in a clean container and dip the test in it, or you can choose to urinate directly on the pregnancy test if you prefer.

After 3 minutes, the test will provide an answer regarding whether your hCG levels are elevated, indicating pregnancy.

The test is positive if two lines appear, even if the test line is weaker than the control line.

If you wish to test before your expected period, it is recommended to test with your first-morning urine, as it is more concentrated. However, be aware that hCG levels may rise at different rates. You can choose to purchase a package with multiple tests if you want to continue testing in the upcoming days leading up to your expected period.

Read the instructions carefully.

Remove the test from the sealed pouch. Place it under the urine stream or dip it into a urine sample for 5-10 seconds.

Place the pregnancy test strip on a flat surface with the test window facing up.

Wait for 3 minutes.

Read a clear and distinct answer about whether you are pregnant.

Two lines indicate that you are pregnant. One line means the test is negative.

Valmed Digital Thermometer
Measure your temperature every morning as soon as you wake up and before getting out of bed. Place the thermometer under your tongue and wait until you hear a beep, indicating that the test is complete.

When measuring your temperature daily, you will notice that it increases by 0.2-0.4 degrees just before ovulation.

Read the result and enter it into your app. Over time, you will gain an overview of your cycle and ovulation curve. When you know your cycle and ovulation, you will know the best time to have intercourse to increase the chances of pregnancy.

We offer home delivery and delivery to a parcel shop with both DAO and GLS. We process orders at our warehouse in Dragør every day of the week, and in most cases, you will receive your package the day after ordering if you've placed your order before our shipping deadline. However, in rare cases, delivery may take up to 3 days. All our orders are shipped on the same day with DAO and GLS if you've ordered before 2:00 PM from monday to friday. We ship at 9:00 AM on saturdays and sundays. You'll receive a confirmation email with a tracking link once the order has been dispatched from our warehouse. This means you can always track your package until it arrives at your address or your chosen parcel shop. Your order from is discreetly shipped in a bubble envelope or a box, and the sender's name is our company name, Care at Home ApS. DAO DAO Parcel Shop - delivery every day of the week. Shipping fee 29 DKK. Free shipping on orders over 150 DKK. DAO Home Delivery - delivery every day of the week. Shipping fee 29 DKK. Free shipping on orders over 150 DKK. With DAO Home Delivery, your package is delivered (silently) to your address at night or early in the morning GLS GLS Parcel Shop - Delivery every weekday and saturday. Shipping cost 59 DKK. Free shipping for orders over 500 DKK. GLS Home Delivery - Delivery every weekday. Shipping cost 59 DKK. Free shipping for orders over 500 DKK. At, you have a 14-day return policy starting from the day you pick up or receive your order.

Frequently asked questions

Her finder du vores FAQ om Valmed Ovulation Midstream Test. 10 pcs. + Valmed Pregnancy Midstream Test. 2 pcs. + Valmed Thermometer

How do ovulation tests work?
Ovulation tests measure the concentration of the ovulation hormone LH (luteinizing hormone). 24-36 hours before ovulation, the LH hormone rises significantly, and if you test with an ovulation test, your test will be positive when the hormone has increased in connection with your ovulation. You can recognize a positive ovulation test when the test line is as dark or even darker than the control line. See an example of a positive Valmed Ovulation Test Strip in the product images.
Pregnancy tests are designed to detect the pregnancy hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone increases if a fertilized egg implants in the woman's uterus. Therefore, an elevated level of hCG in a woman's urine indicates that she is pregnant. Pregnancy tests have two antibody lines. One is the control line, which turns color when dipped in urine. If the control line appears with color, it indicates that your test is functioning correctly. The second line is called the test line, and this line only turns color if your urine contains the amount of the pregnancy hormone hCG that your pregnancy test is sensitive to.
Pregnancy tests are of such high quality today that they are more than 99% reliable and accurate from the day of expected menstruation. However, you can still be pregnant even if your pregnancy test is negative. This is especially true if you test before the expected day of menstruation.
In short, the woman's temperature rises by 0.2 to 0.5 degrees per day after ovulation due to the hormone progesterone. The temperature remains at this level during the latter part of the menstrual cycle until menstruation begins, and then the woman's cycle starts over again. This means that if you measure your temperature every day, you will also be able to identify when you have ovulated and have the greatest chance of getting pregnant through intercourse or insemination.
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