At, we only deal with valid and scientific research carried out by universities and hospitals. We do this to ensure that we do not pass on knowledge or sell products based on pseudoscience. But what does the research say that you as a woman can do or consume if you want to improve your fertility and increase the chance of pregnancy?
First of all, it's about having sex at the right times. You can read more about that here: When should I have sex if I want to get pregnant? – Gravidtid But after that, you can look at your lifestyle
Eat healthy and varied and follow the National Board of Health's official 7 dietary advice:
1: Eat plant-rich, varied and not too much.
2: Eat more vegetables and fruits. The recommendation is 600 grams of fruit and vegetables per day
3: Eat food with whole grains. Minimum 75 grams of whole grains daily and preferably more
4: Choose vegetable oils and low-fat dairy products. 250 ml of milk or milk product daily is fine with a varied diet
5: Eat less of the sweet, salty and fatty. Look at the food pyramid from the Danish Health Authority
6: Quench your thirst in water. It is usually sufficient to drink 1-1.5 liters of liquid per day
Where diet can have a real effect on fertility is if you are overweight or underweight. According to Rigshospitalet, being overweight can reduce the frequency of ovulation, while being underweight can lead to a lack of menstruation. If the woman loses weight to a normal BMI, the ovulation frequency normalizes. The same applies to underweight women if they gain weight. A BMI between 20-25 is optimal if there is a desire for pregnancy.
Dietary supplements
As mentioned, there are no dietary supplements that have a documentable effect on fertility. However, the Danish Health Authority recommends that women take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from approximately 3 months before pregnancy to 3 months into pregnancy. Folic acid reduces the risk of giving birth to a child with congenital malformations of the brain and spinal cord by up to 40%.
It is well documented that women who smoke lose more eggs, enter menopause earlier and have a greater risk of spontaneous abortions. An effect is seen in women who smoke at least half a pack of cigarettes a day. If smoking is stopped, fertility is the same as in non-smokers. However, you cannot get the lost eggs back. But the remaining eggs, on the other hand, do not perish as quickly as in smokers.
There are no clear research results that show exactly what effect alcohol has on women's fertility. It is known, however, that there is a risk of lack of ovulation and menstruation in women with a large daily alcohol consumption. Studies have shown that women who drink more than 14 drinks a week take almost twice as long to get pregnant compared to women who stay below 14 drinks a week. As alcohol is harmful to the fetus, also in the period before you find out that you are pregnant, the Danish Health Authority recommends that you abstain from alcohol if you are trying to get pregnant. If you want to know if you are pregnant as soon as possible, because you are, for example, going to an event with alcohol, you can try our most sensitive pregnancy test: Tidlige Graviditetstests – Gravidtid
A cup of coffee contains an average of 100 mg of caffeine. Scientific studies have shown that a caffeine intake of more than 500 mg per day can reduce fertility, and the waiting time for pregnancy is prolonged. There is also caffeine in tea (approx. 45 mg per cup) in cola (50 mg per cup) and in our dear dear friend chocolate (100 mg per 100 grams)
Test your ovulation or sperm quality yourself at home
If you would like to know more about your cycle and ovulation, you can try the temperature method: Termometre – Gravidtid or find out if you are ovulating with our ovulation tests:Ægløsningstests – Gravidtid Finally, you/your partner can also check his sperm quality with our sperm test: SwimCount Sædkvalitetstest – Gravidtid
Source: Rigshospitalet, Hvidovre Hospital and the National Board of Health