Many Danish men have poor sperm quality. In fact, it is estimated that poor sperm quality is one of the primary reasons why 2 out of 3 couples struggle to conceive.
But men themselves form new sperm cells every 3 months, and with lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements, you as a man can help improve your sperm quality and the chances of pregnancy significantly.
SwimCount™ SpermCare contains the nutrients that help to increase the formation of healthy motile sperm that are able to move towards the woman's egg to fertilize it.
Contains 60 tablets - enough for 30 days.
How does SwimCount SpermCare improve sperm quality?
SwimCount™ SpermCare Dietary Supplement with Selenium and Zinc helps maintain normal sperm production, fertility and reproduction as well as maintaining a normal testosterone level in the blood. Contains Zinc and Selenium as well as Aronia extract, Lycopene, Coenzyme Q10 and vitamins, and has been developed by fertility specialists
Selenium and male fertility
When it comes to the forward movement of the sperm cells, what is also called motility, research has shown that a daily supplement of the trace element selenium can be of great importance for the formation of normal sperm cells, because they are able to increase the motility of the sperm cells.
A low selenium content in the seminal fluid increases the risk of reduced fertility. This is because selenium-dependent enzymes protect the sperm during formation and thus also its tail structure, whose whip movements bring the sperm forward. Selenium is also an important antioxidant that protects the sperm against oxidative damage. Studies have shown that less damage to DNA leads to higher fertility.
Zinc and male fertility
Zinc is an important substance when it comes to sperm quality. If the man has a zinc deficiency, sperm quality will be reduced, as zinc is part of the formation of the sperm cells. A low level of zinc will reduce the man's testosterone formation, so the testicles will be smaller and the sperm quality will be reduced. Men's largest "store" of zinc is in the prostate, which forms the semen. a sperm contains a lot of zinc, boys and men with an active sex life can lose significant amounts of zinc on this account
Q10 and male fertility
A substance which apparently plays a decisive role in the functionality of sperm cells is the vitamin-related substance, coenzyme Q10.
Several studies have been published with infertile men that have shown that the Q10 treatment led to significant improvements in the number of sperm cells as well as the shape and motility of the sperm cells. The results are supported by the conclusions of other researchers, which indicate that treatment with Q10 can lead to a significant improvement in sperm quality.
Furthermore, the results also show that Q10 can play a positive role in the treatment of reduced motility, i.e. the sperm's ability to move actively and spontaneously.
Recommended daily dose for adults:
2 tablets daily in connection with a meal. Taken over a period of at least 90 days. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
• For men over 18
• Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet
• Store dry and at room temperature
• Store out of the reach of small children
Although SwimCount™ SpermCare can help provide the nutrients that contribute to normal sperm formation, existing health problems and your lifestyle can also affect your sperm quality. Talk to your doctor if you have any doubts about your sperm quality.
SwimCount™ SpermCare is developed and produced in Denmark by MotilityCount ApS.
L-ascorbic acid, DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose), Aronia extract (aronia melanocarpa Sparch.), lycopene, selenium-enriched yeast, anti-caking agent (talc, magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide), Coenzyme Q10, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, zinc oxide, retinyl acetate, surface treatment agent (shellac, ethyl cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polysorbate 80, glycerol), pteroyl monoglutamic acid.
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Information om SwimCount SpermCare Dietary supplement, 60 tablets
Indeholder 60 tabletter - nok til 30 dage.
SwimCount™ SpermCare Kosttilskud med Selen og Zink hjælper med at opretholde en normal sædproduktion, frugtbarhed og reproduktion samt vedligeholde et normalt testosteronniveau i blodet.
Indeholder Zink og Selen samt Aroniaekstrakt, Lycopen, Coenzym Q10 og vitaminer.
Mænd danner selv nye sædceller hver 3. måned, og med livsstilsændringer kan man som mand selv være med til at forbedre sin sædkvalitet.
Selen og mænds fertilitet
Når det gælder sædcellernes fremadrettede bevægelighed, det der også kaldes motilitet, har forskning vist at et dagligt tilskud af sporstoffet selen kan have betydning for dannelse af normale sædceller, fordi de er i stand til at øge sædcellernes motilitet.
Et lavt selenindhold i sædvæsken øger risikoen for nedsat frugtbarhed. Det skyldes, at selenafhængige enzymer beskytter sædcellen under dannelse og dermed også dens halestruktur, hvis piskebevægelser bringer sædcellen fremad. Selen er desuden en vigtig antioxidant der beskytter sædcellen mod oxidative skader. Undersøgelser har vist, at færre skader på DNA fører til en højere frugtbarhed.
Zink og mænds fertilitet
Zink er et vigtigt stof, når det gælder sædkvalitet. Hvis manden har zinkmangel vil sædkvaliteten blive nedsat, da zink er en del af dannelsen af sædcellerne. Et lavt niveau af zink vil nemlig nedsætte mandens testosterondannelse, så testiklerne vil blive mindre og sædkvaliteten vil blive nedsat. Mænds største “lager” af zink er i prostata, som danner sæden. Da sæd indeholder meget zink, kan drenge og mænd med et aktivt sexliv miste betydelige mængder zink på denne konto
Q10 og mænds fertilitet
Et stof, som tilsyneladende spiller en afgørende rolle for sædcellernes funktionsdygtighed, er det vitamin-beslægtede stof, co-enzym Q10.
Der er offentliggjort flere undersøgelser med infetile mænd, der har viste, at Q10-behandlingen førte til forbedringer i antallet af sædceller samt sædcellernes form og bevægelighed. Resultaterne bakkes op af andre forskeres konklusioner, der peger på, at behandling med Q10 kan føre til en betydelig forbedring i sædkvaliteten.
Desuden viser resultaterne også, at Q10 kan spille en positiv rolle i behandlingen af reduceret motilitet, altså sædcellernes evne til at bevæge sig aktivt og spontant.
Næringsindhold pr. daglig dosis (2 tabletter)
Vitamin A (RE): 500 mikg (62% RI)
Vitamin D: 25 mikg (500% RI)
Vitamin E (alfa-TE): 180 mg (1494% RI)
Vitamin C: 500 mg (625% RI)
Folsyre: 300 mg (150% RI)
Vitamin B12: 25 mikg (1000% RI)
Zink: 8 mg (80% RI)
Selen: 100 mikg (181% RI)
Lycopen: 6 mg (- RI)
Coenzym Q10: 40 mg (- RI)
Aroniaekstrakt: 100 mg (- RI)
RI = Dagligt referenceindtag for voksne og børn over 11 år.
L-ascorbinsyre, DL-alpha-tocopherylacetat, fyldemidler (mikrokrystallinsk cellulose, tværbunden natriumcarboxymethyl cellulose), Aronia ekstrakt (aronia melanocarpa Sparch.), lycopen, selenberiget gær, antiklumpningsmiddel (talkum, magnesiumsalte af fedtsyrer, siliciumdioxid), Coenzym Q10, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, zinkoxid, retinylacetat, overfladebehandlingsmiddel (shellak, ethylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidon, polysorbat 80, glycerol), pteroylmonoglutaminsyre.
Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for varieret kost. Den daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides. Bør opbevares uden for børns rækkevidde.
Fordele ved SwimCount SpermCare Dietary supplement, 60 tablets
Danish-produced dietary supplement for men
Developed by fertility specialists
Approved for sale in Europe and the USA
Contains Selenium, Zinc, and Q10, all of which contribute to normal sperm production in men.
Sådan bruger du SwimCount SpermCare Dietary supplement, 60 tablets
2 tablets daily with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.
For men over 18 years old.
Dietary supplements should not replace a varied diet.
Store in a dry place at room temperature.
Keep out of reach of small children.
Although SwimCount™ SpermCare can help provide the nutrients that contribute to normal sperm cell formation, existing health problems and your lifestyle can also affect your sperm quality. Consult your doctor if you are uncertain about your sperm quality.
SwimCount™ SpermCare is developed and produced in Denmark by MotilityCount ApS.
L-ascorbic acid, DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, bulking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose), Aronia extract (aronia melanocarpa Sparch.), lycopene, selenium-enriched yeast, anti-caking agents (talc, magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide), Coenzyme Q10, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, zinc oxide, retinyl acetate, coating agents (shellac, ethyl cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polysorbate 80, glycerol), pteroylmonoglutamic acid.
Her finder du vores FAQ om SwimCount SpermCare Dietary supplement, 60 tablets
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