It is not uncommon to seek assistance to get pregnant. About 15% of all couples / women who desires pregnancy are infertile. That is, when the woman still has not become pregnant after a year of trying, or if they lose three or more pregnancies before the embryos were viable.

This means that you must contact your doctor or gynecologist if you have tried pregnancy for 12 months, without success or if you have had repeated abortions. If you are over 35 years old or if the woman's cycle is longer than 35 days, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority recommends that you already contact the doctor / gynecologist after 6-12 months. See our wide selection of ovulation tests here: Ægløsningstests – Gravidtid

 Approximately every 10th child is made today using fertility treatment, so remember that there is still plenty of hope, even if a little help is needed. 

What happens at the doctor / gynecologist?

The doctor or gynecologist may refer you for fertility treatment, but first he or she will perform various tests on the woman and her possible partner. Read more about these studies and the further course of fertility treatment in men here: How does the study of male fertility in the public system take place? – Gravidtid  Read more about what happens at the study of women's fertility here: How does the study of female fertility in the public system take place – Gravidtid

Who can get public help for free fertility treatment? 

In Denmark, couples, singles and lesbians have the right to free fertility treatment in the public sector. However, there are some caveats: Fertility treatment in hospitals is only offered to women who are referred before the age of 40, and they can no longer receive treatment here after the age of 41. Therefore, be aware of this age limit. There is no age restriction for men. Free IVF (test tube treatment) and IUI (insemination with the man's semen) are only offered to the first pregnancy. This means that you must not have any existing children or joined children. Even if you are only offered free treatment for the first child, you can get frozen any fertilized eggs for the second child. This or these eggs can later be laid up for free at a public fertility clinic If you as a woman are more than 41 years old, you can receive fertility treatment at private fertility clinics until the woman is 46 years old. However, you must pay for this yourself 

What kind of treatments, how many free tries and the chances of pregnancy?

Within the public system, one is entitled to 3-6 IUI treatments. That is, insemination with donor sperm or sperm from a partner at a public fertility clinic. According to statistics, 20% obtain a positive pregnancy test (blood test) per insemination treatment. About 40% of those who receive insemination treatment achieve a viable pregnancy. The rest is referred on to test tube treatment. Insemination treatment is most often used if the sperm quality is only mild to moderately reduced. Here the sperm is purified so that only the living and moving sperm are left. In practical terms, insemination takes place by inserting the purified sperm sample into the uterus with a thin catheter at the time the woman is ovulating.

As an infertile woman or a couple, you have the option of three IVF treatments (test tube treatments) free of charge. This means that three extractions of the woman's eggs, fertilization in a test tube and laying of the fertilized egg after 2-5 days in a heating cabinet in the laboratory. According to the public fertility clinics, there is a 35% chance of a positive pregnancy test per test tube started. The chance is a little higher for younger women and a little lower for older women. If a fertilized egg is laid, the chance of a positive pregnancy test is approximately 45%.

In connection with public fertility treatment, it is free to have any excess fertilized eggs frozen. If you want to have a second child, it is free to have this, or these eggs laid until the woman turns 46 years old. Approximately 97% of frozen eggs survive thawing, and the chance of pregnancy is approximately 28% per laying 

Test your fertility at home 

If you initially want to test your fertility in peace and quiet at home, you can buy our FSH Menopause Test here:Femometer FSH Klimakterietest – Gravidtid  If you would like to test your or your partners sperm count, you can buy our sperm quality test here: SwimCount Sædkvalitetstest – Gravidtid

Source:, Hvidovre Hospital, Rigshospitalet,